Concert Venue:
Beaver Dam High School Auditorium
500 Gould Street
Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Map this Location
Our By-Laws state that the term of each Director shall be three years, with Officers to be elected from the sitting Board (if possible) to three-year terms. Certainly we will want to retain our wonderful volunteers (which we all are), so the nomination committee may re-nominate directors annually. To follow our By-Laws, however, the entire Board will have a chance to vote for Director positions for the next three years, and, as needed, for Officers for the next three years. The Board is divided into three groups (or Classes) with one group’s term expiring at the end of May each year. The class of 2024 will be up for nomination in April 2024 and will become the new class of 2027. Elections are held at the May board meeting. |
Class of 2024 |
Class of 2025 |
Class of 2026 |
Jim Fickes
Donna Birschbach
Linda Ludtke
Susan Reihbandt
Greg Bavers
Ken Herren
Bill Wiedenhoeft
Vickie Ludtke
Kay Appenfeldt
Margaret Bennett
Arely Gonnering
Gail Hope Henschel
Pamela Priewe
Greg Vollan
2021-2024 SLATE OF OFFICERS (Term expires May 2024)
PRESIDENT - Greg Vollan
VICE-PRESIDENT - Gail Hope Henschel
SECRETARY - Donna Birschbach
TREASURER - Margaret Bennett
MEMBERSHIP CHAIR - Susan Reihbandt
PUBLICITY CHAIR - Kay Appenfeldt
CONCERT CHAIR - Bill Wiedenhoeft
USHER CHAIR - Linda Ludtke
A Nomination Committee, consisting of three Directors, appointed by the President, will draw up a list of nominations to be presented at the April meeting, with elections taking place in May. |