Sponsorship Program Participants

The Crookston Civic Music League wishes to express appreciation to the following
sponsors who have made a special contribution in support of this concert series for our communities.


Jacalyn and Philip Bertils
Glen and Marlys Finkenbinder
Nancy Janorschke
In Memory of Bob Janorschke
Alfred and Elaine Metzger - In Memory of Hilmer
Brost and Ramona Unke
Roger and Gail Odegaard
June Shaver Trust


Bremer Bank
Crookston Daily Times
George & Rae French
KROX Radio
Mark and Kari Miller
Anne and Mike Muir
Ted and Lynnette Olson
Jerry and Alvern Wentzel


Ron and Janet Denison
Allan and Judy Dragseth
Ken and Kristina Gray
Erik and Judie Kanten
Lonn and Debra Kiel
Dennis and Rose Koch
Jim and Sandy Perkins
John and Jessie Rodseth
Sisters of St. Benedict
Mitch & Lee Walski


Altru Clinic
American Legion Post #20
Americlnn Lodge and Suites of Crookston
Ed and Patti Amiot--Ye Ole Print Shoppe
Myles and Shirley Bakken
Paul and Glenda Bergeson
Allen and Sandy Bertilrud
David and Elaine Bertils
Bob and Tracy Blazek
Jason and Kerri Brantner
Kevin and Lorri Capistran
Nancy and Wayne Capistran
Kathy and Blake Carlson
Christian Brothers Ford
Nancy Cournia
Dee, Inc.
Janna and David Dinkel
Adolph and Bernetta Donarski
Ron and Janise Dorman
Steve and Carol Dufault
Norman and Amy Ellingson
Larry & Elaine Erdahl
Vivian Erickson
Jerry and Heidi Fenno
Fitzgerald, Reynolds, Harbott, & Larson P.L.L.P
Roger and Belinda Fjeld
John Folin
Connie and Mike Gasper--Gasper Air Spray, Inc.
Connie. Gilmore
Matthew S. Gilmore
James and Carol Gregg
Wayne and Toni Grove
Jody and Bruce Hanson
Kathleen Hanson
Mary Holz-Clause and Reg Clause
Irishman's Shanty--Paul and Cindy Gregg
Jerde Insurance
Joan Johnson
Jim and Sandi Kent
Dale and Mary Ann Knotek
Ardell and Sandra Knudsvig
Marcel and Jean LaJesse
Lloyd and Shirley Lee
Frank and Jeanie Lindgren
Ted and Emily Luckow
Marvin & Diane Magnuson
Patti Malme
Rev Michelle Miller & Rev Rob Kopp
Moen Apartments
Bev and Mike Moulton-­B & M Recognition
Lynnette Mullins
Noah Insurance Service--Tom and Terri Noah
Mike Normandin
Northern Sky Bank
Jean Peterson
Courtney and Mary Pulkrabek
Larry and Elaine Ricard
John and Judy Schoeneberger
Gary and Kathy Shulstad
Dan and Vicki Svedarsky
Wayne & Joanne Swanson - Swanson Law Office
Nancy and Jim Thomasson
Daryl and Diana Thompson
Liz Thompson
Delano and Janice Thoreson
Kari Torkelson
John and Jan Vallager
Valley Plains Equipment
Ervin and Jane Vigness
Carol Wagner, Realtor
Gary and Maxine Walter
Don and Rose Weber
Lyle and Sue Westrom
Patricia Williams
Terry and Susan Wolfe


Carl Lundeen Estate
R. 0. & Inez Sather Trust
June Shaver Trust


Fred and Jean Berhow
Gladys LaCoursiere
Ruby LaCoursiere
Berneil Nelson


CO-SPONSOR $500 - Eight adult tickets
BENEFACTOR $300 - Six adult tickets or four adult tickets and up to six student tickets
FRIEND $200 - Four adult tickets or two adult tickets and up to six student tickets
PATRON $110 - Two adult tickets
ADULT $45 - One adult ticket
STUDENT $15 - One student ticket