Financial Support Program


Vera Way Marghab Charitable Fund
(at the Watertown Area Community Foundation)
Kenneth & Myrtle Way Charitable Fund
(at the Watertown Area Community Foundation}
Jim & Carolyn Hoffman
Watertown Ford Chrysler/Bobcat of Watertown


Colliers Securities LLC
Sharp Automotive
In Memory of Judean & Bonnie Schwinger


Doug & Maylou Austin
Brueggeman Insurance
Crawford-Osthus Funeral Chapel
Dacotah Bank
First Premier Bank/Premier Bankcard
Johnson Appraisal
Mother of God Monastery
Doug & Suzanne Olawsky
Drs. Ross & Aimee Schulte
Wight & Comes Funeral Chapel


Dr. Jeff & Sherri Brindle
Vince & Maxine Brueggeman
Duane & Sarah Caron
Jerry & Judie DeWald
Dr. Bryan & Jennifer Dingsor
Kurt & Dawn Engel
Rand & Margaret Feind
Brad & Karen Fishman
Bruce & Diana Ford
Dan & Trudy Gabel
Rich & Carol Halverson
Fred & Elaine Hardee
Ryan & Kate Hardee
Brian & Jennifer Harms
Doug Herr
Rick & Patt Herr
Ken & Bonnie Karst
John & Mary Larson
Tom & Jolene Lieffort
Gary & Renae Tyler Mack
Dr. Brad & Joleen Meier
James & Rosalind Noeldner
Dick & Nancy Reddy
John & Monica Redlinger
Dan & Cyndy Voight
Keith & Julie Wanner
Pat & Sarah Wanner


Financial Support Program
The purpose of the financial support program is to

  • Provide funds for selection of high quality concerts
  • Promote local businesses and recognized  individuals as being contributors to excellent entertainment in our area

Financial support levels are:
Benevolent Sponsor - $600.00 or more- six season tickets with recognition in the concert program and website.

Benefactor - $450.00, four season tickets with recognition in the concert program and website.

Patron - $300.00, three season tickets with recognition in the concert program and website.

Donor - $150.00, two season tickets with recognition in the concert program and website. No corporate memberships in this category please.

Contributions above the cost of the tickets ($50.00 each) are tax deductible.