Attendance by season ticket purchase only.
To purchase send a check made out to:
Centre Area Concert Association
146 4th St N
Sauk Centre MN 56378
Adult $50
Student $10 (through high school)
Family $110 (2 adults & all children still in high school)
Grandparents $110 (2 adults, 2 grandkids)
Judy Beissel, Membership: 320-352-3482
Please Download the membership form below and mail it with your check.
Click to Download a Printable Membership Form 
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I buy a single ticket to a single concert instead of a full membership?
A: Admission is by season membership only. That’s one of the reasons why we can provide an entire series for such a reasonable cost.
Q: Do you have a ticket Sharing Policy?
A: We do encourage members who are unable to attend one or more concerts to offer their tickets to someone else to attend in their place and then get their ticket back for the next concert they can attend.
Q: Do you sell gift certificates?
A: Yes, consider giving a gift or season tickets to a relative, friend, wedding/birthday gift or as a special “thank you”. It’s a gift that gives all year long.-Each time the recipient uses it, they will think of you.
Membership and Reciprocity Concerts -What a Deal!
How can you say no? Your $50 adult ticket gives you access to five world class concerts in Sauk Centre and Melrose at just $10 per concert. If you include Alexandria that is less than $5 per concert. If you plan to go to Wadena, Fergus Falls and Ortonville-Milbank, that's even more savings. In addition, your membership supports the quality programming that has been a tradition since 1977 and ensures that it will continue.